Friday, April 25, 2008

Well I Tried...

I talked to Rob about a week ago and asked him to make some peanut butter ice cream for me. I had it at the restaurant with a brownie and it was freakin delish! Well, with being so consumed with going to school and studying he has less time to do things so.....I took on the challenge. I had him write down what I needed and walk me through the steps. Making the ice cream was quite easy in fact, I was VERY nervous every step! When I was done I put the mixture in the freezer, and walked away feeling very proud of myself for taking on this challenge. When Rob got home from class he was searching the fridge for the ice cream "Where the heck did you put it?" he said, and I said "its in the freezer!" - umm..duh? Well. Apparently that's NOT where it's suppose to go. My proud feeling left the room as Rob tried to salvage the half frozen chunk of un-churned ice cream and assuring me that it would be ok. The next day we dumped the ice cream into the ice cream maker and let it churn away as i made the (box) brownies. I turned the oven on and was stirring everything together and then heard this loud boom and a flash of light. The oven well, died. Soooo we had to bake the brownies in the toaster oven. No big deal right? I plated the brownies and ice cream for the picture and then dug in to enjoy. Hmmm...something wasn't right..I got down to the bottom of the brownie and it was totally burnt. Everyone that was eating it said it was "good" but I tossed mine. Once again I realized that I'm just not the cook/baker in the family. oh yeah - the ice cream needed more peanut butter too. well enjoy the pic and dream of what Robert's would taste like. :)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Happy 30th Kyle!!

So, as i was saying below, we headed up north to celebrate Kyle's birthday. Most of the cousins made the trek up to Sunnyvale where Rachael & Kyle live. The theme of the party was Casino Night. The guys helped Kyle set all the tables up and get the backyard ready while us girls went with Rachael to the grocery store about 20 times.... PS - theres a ton of pics so deal with it.

Here we are prepping for the party...

Their sweet dog, Jacks

Let the party begin!

The birthday boy!

Ya, can I have a splash of coke with my drink? thanks. To fill you people who weren't there in... the bartender was in training and wanted to put coke in EVERYTHING!!

Hey...has anyone seen Rachael??

Keep raking in the money Kyle! Tanks guys for letting us take over your house for the weekend!! Love ya!

Uncle Don....

We headed up north this past weekend to celebrate Kyle's 30th B-Day! (more on that later..) On our way we stopped by Robert's Uncle Don's restaurant. This is the same Uncle Don that did our yummy wedding food!! Rob spent a summer up in Visalia and worked in the restaurant when he was younger, so he was excited to see it now, after so long. Don stuffed our belly's and told us jokes - it was great!

Look close made the wall!!

As soon as rob sat down he started stuffing his face, he didnt even stop to smile for the pic of us four!

Cleaning up and running away from Don before we got whipped with a wet towel. It was awesome to visit and we were bummed to leave.