Friday, November 30, 2007

Friday Dinner...

Tilapia with Butternut Squash puree and Balsamic syrup...

Thursday, November 29, 2007

By Popular Blackmail...Uh...I Mean Demand..

My dads cousin Bob and his wife Ellen revamped this old school bus. In 6 months it went from a rusted piece of junk to this dream camping machine. check it out...

They worked their butts off and it shows - cant wait to see what they have planned for next year!!!! :)

Here are the two little buds of the week and a group shot of all of us. (except rob - he's takin the pic..thanks babe!)

Happy Happy Birthday

It was Carolee's birthday yesterday - here's the fun...

Kelly made a recipe folder with all her old recipes, then she made a copy for Brooke, Rob and herself.

Then Brooke got two shirts bedazzled with Long Beach Softball writing on them, and a personalized seat for the bleachers - they came out great!

Brooke did her best at making a cheese cake...i didnt try it but i heard it was yum yum yummy...hehe

here's the fam!

and Happy Birthday to Keleigh on the 27th!! we will have fun with her when she gets back from hawaii...stay tunned..and thanks dad for the extra fingers!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thanksgiving Week 2007

Great family fun, as always! here are a lot of shots!